organic wines
Bioni Wines, authentic wines…The wine we produce is pleasant, healthy and organic;
our vision encompasses these principles, which make up the world we cultivate every day.
Our story.
In 2001 Massimiliano Degenhardt, together with his wife Marcella, bought what today has become the family farm in Dovadola, in the Romagna-Tuscany region.
He planted additional vineyards in the estate to produce the Bioni organic line and equipped it with an entirely biological kitchen.
“In managing the estate, where the production of Bioni wines is the main activity”, recounts Dr. Degenhardt,
“I transferred my vision of professional work. I passionately researched how to obtain the final result of a great wine, rich in healthy nutrients, without the use of systemic pesticides which are known to leave traces of substances harmful to us and the environment”.
It took many years of hard work and dedication. Today the farm is perched on a hill and immersed in the tranquil environment of the surrounding foothills of the Piedmont area.
We deeply value the territory with the firm vocation of producing high quality wine and excellent olive oil, maintaining the need to preserve the environment.
Earth and vineyard.
The farm producing the Bioni line is certified to be entirely organic. Of its 24 hectares, 6 are destined to the vineyard, with more facilities on the way.
The techniques used to work the vineyard follow organic and biodynamic guidelines which are strictly applied to avoid chemical substance residue, particularly from weed killers and pesticides.
Only copper and sulfur are used. The results of this choice are clear and irrefutable: The Sangiovese may reach a ‘resveratrol’ concentration of up to three times higher than normal wines.
Dr. Degenhardt explains: “ ‘resveratrol’, a precious substance used by the plant to defend itself from damage caused by sunbeams during the photosynthesis process, is a strong antioxidant which
can safeguard against heart diseases, hinder cancer and contrast the cell ageing process.
Additionally, it lowers cholesterol levels and has an anti-inflammatory function.
Higher concentrations can be found in red wine, but only when this mechanism isn’t tampered with through systemic treatments which lead instead to a drastically lower concentration”.
Only through dedication and awareness of the surrounding environment, consistent with the small details which gain importance in the countryside, can the cellar be filled with excellent grapes.
An example of this is harvesting grapes by hand and storing them in wooden boxes to cool down before the treading process, so as to preserve its flavor.
The same commitment carries over to the wine cellar where a meticulous wood selection is carried out, alongside temperature-controlled fermentations and the many tastings, all of which come together to imbue life into our unique and refined products.
We refine our wines in prestigious French oak barrels, a practice dating back many years, but from which Bioni is inspired: our commitment is shaped by centuries-worth of experience, which translate in guaranteeing a meeting point between tradition and innovation.
Bioni today and tomorrow.
Bioni is an unconventional wine, a challenge taken up by the Degenhardt family to share its fruits across Italy, in Europe and in the World.
The commitment towards business and marketing is increasing and expanding,
on the lookout for connoisseurs of all-things pleasant, healthy and organic…a growing trend across the world.
The success of the ‘organic’ line, which appeases a biological question, of environmental sustainability and consumption ethics.
This idea for development and growth is enshrined in the farm’s values; values which carry over, together with its fruits and the Bioni line, to upcoming and ambitious projects.